This Webpage

This website is entirely a project of its own here. It's really teaching me the basics of web design and web scripting. I wrote the entire thing from scratch from my previous website, which was more like a clunky carrd than a full-fledged website. This page in particular lists Active projects.


I got upset that there wasn't an easily accessable doublesided 3x5 inch index card print out for a quick and dirty run down of morse code. So I made my own damn notecard. its to ITU standards except where otherwise noted. (i think this is the right standard to adhere to?)

i basically took this premade text based table i found because i was lazy. But, in classic programmer fashion i realized it wasnt that easy after then realized it wasnt ITU compatible. so i found the actual specification document and modified using that, and compared with wikipedia for unofficial but nice characters.

revised last in june 2024. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. feedback is always welcome (i am not a morse code expert)

link to pdf!!

3D Model

I taught myself how to use Blender to make my own 3D model to enhance my VR experiences and streaming endeavors. I finished it... You've probably already seen it! (oh god future me please figure out how to do a gallery)